

1. ECE510: Digital Hardware Design (DHD)
Semester: Monsoon 2016, Winter 2018, Winter 2019, Monsoon 2019
Course Info: Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are the first choice for implementation of digital systems due to their distributed and parallel architecture. FPGAs also allows complete control over arithmetic world-lengths and dynamic partial reconfigurability thereby leading to optimal computational efficiency. Integration of FPGA with ARM processor has led to significant interests in SoC because of their usefulness in applications such as software defined radios, cellular base stations, data centers, video processing and computer vision etc. In this course, students will learn how to implement algorithms in an FPGA using Verilog. Though this course assumes prior knowledge of digital design and Verilog, the first couple of weeks will be dedicated to revise these concepts. Labs and assignments will focus on developing working programs that use various features and ports of FPGA boards (Basys3 and Zedboard) including VGA, UART, memory etc. A couple of weeks will be dedicated to AXI and high level synthesis (HLS) in which the mapping of C-code to synthesizable Verilog code will be discussed along with various optimization strategies. Tutorials on Verilog, HLS, AXI using Vivado along with VGA based game and research projects will motivate the students to pursue research in digital hardware domain.
Monsoon 2019 Mid-Semester Evaluation:VGA based Video Game Design using Verilog and FPGA.
2. ECE270: Embedded Logic Design (ELD)
Semester: Monsoon 2017, Monsoon 2018, Monsoon 2019, Monsoon 2020, Monsoon 2021, Monsoon 2022, Monsoon 2023, Monsoon 2024
Course Info: This course will introduce students to the various programmable logic devices (PLDs) available in the market and get them started with how to program such devices to develop simple applications. First half of this course will cover FPGA programming using Verilog and second half will focus on ARM processor programming using C followed by an integration of ARM with FPGA using Zynq board.
Monsoon 2020:
Monsoon 2021:
Monsoon 2023:
3. ECE573: Advanced Embedded Logic Design (AELD)
Semester: Winter 2020, Winter 2021, Winter 2022, Winter 2023, Winter 2024
Course Info: Embedded systems consisting of multi-core processors with co-processors as well as accelerators such as GPU and FPGA are widely being used in various wireless, multimedia, data centers, video processing and computer vision applications. The main focus of this course is to introduce various embedded system concepts via theory and lab sessions followed by building real-world embedded systems. In this course, students will learn hardware software co-design approach to learn how to implement the embedded systems on heterogenous SoC and optimize their area and power performance. In the theory part of the course, various concepts such as processor architecture, interrupts, cache system, direct memory access (DMA), co-processors, hardware-software co-design along with AXI protocol will be discussed in detail. Labs and assignments will focus on developing working programs that use various features and ports of SoC (Zybo, Zedboard and ZC706 platform) including GPIO, UART, ethernet, floating point unit (FPU), SIMD co-processor, interrupts, timers, DMA, DDR memory etc. Few weeks will be dedicated to implementation of machine learning algorithms on SoC via hardware-software co-design approach followed by projects exploring dynamic partial reconfigurations enabling real-time switch between the various ML algorithms.
Winter 2021:
Winter 20222:
4. ECE111: Digital Circuits (DC)
Semester: Winter 2017, Monsoon 2017, Monsoon 2018
Course Topics: Analog and Digital representations of information; Logic and arithmetic; Binary variables; Basic logic operations and gates; Essentials of Boolean algebra; Expressing a logical problem as a Boolean function; Positional number systems; Arithmetic operations; Combinational circuit design using multiplexers and gates; Sequential circuits ndash; Latches, Flip-flops, Ripple counters; Sequence generator using flip-flops; Synchronous counters; Basic constituents of a processor; Simple processor architecture.
5. Green Information and Communication Technology (GICT)
Semester: Winter 2015, Monsoon 2015
Course Info: This course covers role of information and communications technology to reduce green house gas emissions. Covered topics include green house gas sources, effects, energy efficiency metrics, smart grid, global grid, green data centers, energy efficient wireless and wired communications, recycling of ICT equipments, energy harvesting and CO2 capturing methods, past and ongoing green ICT projects such as EARTH, GreenTouch, EcoGrid etc.
6. Algorithms to Architectures for FPGA
Semester: Winter 2016
Course Info: Signal processing and wireless communication algorithms often requires parallel computations and fast processing. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are first choice for implementation of these algorithms due to the distributed structure of FPGAs. For example, FPGA allows complete control over arithmetic world lengths thereby leading to optimal computational efficiency. Furthermore, degree of parallelism can be exploited to improve the operating frequency of given architecture. The intelligent mapping of Signal processing and wireless communication algorithms to FPGA hardware is therefore the principal objective of ATA course. In this course, students will learn various ways to implement signal processing and wireless communication algorithms satisfying desired constraints such as area, power (static and dynamic), maximum operating frequency, latency etc. For implementation, System Generator of MATLAB and FPGA boards (ATLYS and Zedboard) will be used. Final projects will give an opportunity to students to consolidate learning through design and FPGA implementations of recent DSP and digital communications algorithms for applications ranging from wireless transceivers, audio signal processing, sub-nyquist sampling and reconstruction etc.

Workshops and Seminars

  1. SPCOM 2024 Tutorial on IEEE 802.11ad Based Intelligent Joint Radar Communication Transceiver: Design, Prototype and Performance Analysis , July 2024.
  2. Fifth edition of 3-Week Online Employability Enhancement Program on VLSI ReVisited: From Analog to Digital , IIIT-Delhi, India, June 24 - July 12, 2024.
  3. Invited Talk on IEEE 802.11ad Based Intelligent Joint Radar Communication Transceiver: Design, Prototype and Performance Analysis at NTU, SUTD and SIT, Singapore, May 2024.
  4. Forth edition of 4-Week Online Employability Enhancement Program on VLSI ReVisited: From Analog to Digital , IIIT-Delhi, India, July 3 - July 28, 2023.
  5. 15-day Summer School on Digital System Design for FPGA at IIIT Delhi under the National Academic Immersion Program (NAIP) for MIT WPU Students , IIIT-Delhi, India, July 8 - July 21, 2023.
  6. TinyML Talk on Multi-armed Bandit on System-on-Chip: Go Frequentist or Bayesian , May 2023.
  7. 15-day Winter School on Digital System Design for FPGA and ASIC at IIIT Delhi under the National Academic Immersion Program (NAIP) for MIT WPU Students , IIIT-Delhi, India, Jan. 4 - Jan. 19, 2023.
  8. Third edition of 6-Week Online Employability Enhancement Program on VLSI ReVisited: From Analog to Digital , IIIT-Delhi, India, June 20 - July 29, 2022.
  9. AICTE-ATAL 5-day Online FDP on Artificial Intelligene (AI) on System-on-Chip (SoC) , IIIT-Delhi, India, 10-14 January, 2022.
  10. Second edition of 5-Week Online Employability Enhancement Program on VLSI ReVisited: From Analog to Digital , IIIT-Delhi, India, June 7 - July 9, 2021.
  11. COMSNETs 2021 Tutorial on Distributed Learning Algorithms for Wireless Networks , Jan. 2021.
  12. First edition of 4-Week Online Employability Enhancement Program on VLSI ReVisited: From Analog to Digital , IIIT-Delhi, India, July 20- August 14, 2020.
  13. Training for Industry Professionals on 5G Physical Layer, VVDN Technologies, India, June 25- July 30, 2020. (PDF)
  14. AICTE-ATAL 5-day Online FDP on Artificial Intelligene: Algorithms to Architectures, IIIT-Delhi, India, 8-12 June, 2020.
  15. AICTE-ATAL 5-day Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT), IIIT-Delhi, India, 17-21 Dec., 2019. (Website)
  16. Open Source SDR Workshop By Ettus Research and National Instruments (NI), IIIT-Delhi, India, 2-4 Nov., 2019. (Website)
  17. NGWiN: International Workshop on Next Generation Wireless Networks, IIIT-Delhi, India, 8-9 March 2019. (Website)
  18. FDP: Hardware-Software Co-design, IIIT-Delhi, India, 17-23 December 2019. (Website)
  19. FPGA Design Flow By CoreEL Technologies, India, IIIT-Delhi, India, 1-2 Sept., 2018.
  20. Open Source SDR Workshop By Ettus Research and National Instruments (NI), IIIT-Delhi, India, 30-31 July, 2018. (Website)
Website Design Credits: Miss. Sonal Bairagi