/* ================================================ PVII Mobile scripts Copyright (c) 2011 Project Seven Development www.projectseven.com Version: 1.0.1 -build 3 ================================================ To exclude a device from the mobile detector: Enter comma separated list of strings to exclude from mobile filter (in all lower case) The exclusion string must appear in the device's UserAgent string Example, to exclude iPad & Android tablet: var p7MBLexclude=['ipad','android 3']; */ var p7MBLexclude=[]; var p7MBLi=false,p7MBLa=false,p7MBLmobile=false; function P7_MBLaddLoad(){ if(!document.getElementById||typeof document.createElement=='undefined'){ return; } if(window.addEventListener){ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",P7_initMBL,false); } else if(window.attachEvent){ document.write("