Past Research

I have been involved in application oriented research right through my MS and PhD and am keen on pursuing it in future as well. Some of the applications, I have been involved in during my graduate studies are:                        

  • Understanding algae growth in lakes (field tests performed at Lake Fulmor, California, in collaboration with NAMOS Team at University of Southern California)UCLA-traffic-deployment

  • Understanding flow patterns and pollution in rivers (field tests performed at San Joaquin river, California, in collaboration with Tom Harmon and his group UC Merced)

  • Monitoring traffic inflow and outflow from UCLA campus (in collaboration with UCLA transportation department)

  • Monitoring real time energy and water consumption (in collaboration with Los Angeles Department of Water and Power)

  • Understanding salinity in lakes (field tests performed in Argentina with Institute of Oceanography, Argentina)

Gaussian Process Modeling

  • Looking into developing efficient non-stationary, space-time Gaussian Process models using the intuitive approach of extending a stationary model with variable hyper-parameters (called latent variables) across the observation space

  • Working towards efficiently learning such complex space-time models

  • Use real world datasets to show the efficacy of the proposed work for real applications

  • Current collaborations involve Dr. Fabio Ramos at Sydney University and Dr. Geoff Hollinger at University of Southern California