Regular Round of Ph.D. admissions Dec 2023 are closed now. 
Steps to Fill the Application Form
- Signup with your active email address (This email id will be used for all future communications).
- You will receive an email for verification of your email address and activation of your account.
- After activation of acccount, sign in and fill the application form step by step.
- Kindly refer to the eligibility criteria carefully before filling the application form.
- The eligibility criteria may be relaxed for exceptional candidates with publications / R & D / software development experience in their area of interest or those from institutes of national and international repute. Such candidates, will be required to answer additional questions while filling the application form. For example,
- Do you have any research experience? If yes, then provide the details.
- Do you have any research publication? If yes, then provide the details.
- Have you graduated from the Institute of national or international repute? If yes, then provide the details.
- The candidate will only be allowed to complete the application form only if the answer to at least one of the above question is affirmative.
- Before filling the application form, kindly keep the scan copies (PDF Only) of following documents ready:
- 12th/Diploma Mark sheet
- 12th/Diploma Certificate
- Under Graduate Degree consolidated Mark sheet
- Under Graduate Degree Certificate/ Provisional Degree Certificate
(Note : Students who are in final year of their UG program, may kindly upload an undertaking confirming that they are presently in the final year of program, which is likely to be completed before the start of next Academic Year i.e. 2023- 2024)
- Post Graduate Degree consolidated Mark sheet, if applicable.
- Post Graduate Degree Certificate/ Provisional Degree Certificate
(Note : Students who are in final year of their PG program, may kindly upload an undertaking confirming that they are presently in the final year of program, which is likely to be completed before the start of next Academic Year i.e. 2023- 2024) , if applicable.
- Category certificate, if applicable.
- Award Letter/ Certificate: GATE, UGC-JRF, CSIR etc, if applicable.
- Statement of Purpose (SoP): Applicants are required to write, in their own words, a one page statement of purpose in response to the following questions. The SoP will be checked for plagiarism and, if caught, the candidate will not be considered for admission.
- What is your motivation for pursuing a Ph.D. or What are your reasons for pursuing a Ph.D.?
- Why do you wish to apply to IIIT-DELHI?
- Latest CV (in PDF)
- Passport size color photograph (in JPG).
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